Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stacking Rings Toy

Recommended for: 6 Months & Up (per website)
Cost: around $10

This is a great toy that has a multitude of uses and can be used for children up through age 4 or 5. I specifically chose this toy because I like that it uses primary colors and gives a lot of language opportunities for children to grow. Provided below is a list of activities that I would recommend to parents or therapists using this tool to help stimulate language or to build cognitive skills. I will also include simple vocabulary for parents to use when using this toy as a therapeutic tool.

Early Learning Activities (6 months-18 months):
On/Off Concept
Color Names: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue
Counting: 1-5

Activities for Children Over 18 Months:
On/Off: Take the orange ring off. Put green ring on.
Colors: Blue goes on first...which one is blue?
Size: Which color is the smallest?
Counting: Let's count the rings? How many do we have?
Following Directions: Can I have the yellow ring?
Open-ended questions: Which ring is different? Why is it different? (Red because it makes sounds); Why can't the red ring go on first? (too small, blue is biggest, etc.)

These are just a few examples of activities to use with a toy that seemingly has only 1 or 2 options. It's amazing how the simplest toy has so many uses and can encourage your child to talk more and make progress towards goals.

Stay tuned for our next review and please let me know what you think! Please also comment on our poll and let me know what you thought of the toy. I'm open to suggestions so if you have anything you want me to review, I'd be happy to include it here.

Thanks! And until next time, Happy Playing!

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